The 10 Best Charities Actively Fighting Climate Change

Climate change is the greatest threat to our world. Nonprofits and individual advocates are working tirelessly to address this threat. Thanks to their efforts, real change is occurring! Billionaires like Warren Buffet have invested in renewable energy powerlines. Moreover, the government announced a 4.37 billion dollar sale of offshore wind leases in February 2022. The…

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The 10 Best Charities Actively Fighting Climate Change

best charities for climate change

Climate change is the greatest threat to our world. Nonprofits and individual advocates are working tirelessly to address this threat. Thanks to their efforts, real change is occurring! Billionaires like Warren Buffet have invested in renewable energy powerlines. Moreover, the government announced a 4.37 billion dollar sale of offshore wind leases in February 2022.

The nonprofits listed in this article have worked for years to make these actions a reality. These organizations are only ten of the thousands of people and organizations actively fighting climate change.

  1. Community Environmental Council
  2. Well Done Foundation
  3. Climate Foundations
  4. Clean Air Task Force
  5. Cool Earth
  6. Rainforest Foundation US
  7. Climate Emergency Fund
  8. 1000 Gretas
  9. Greenpeace
  10. Environmental Defense Fund

1. Community Environmental Council

Mission statement: To identify, advocate, and raise awareness about the most pressing environmental issues in the Santa Barbara region.

After an oil spill in Santa Barbara, a group of activists formed the Community Environmental Council (CEC) in 1970 to spread awareness about an environmental issue affecting the region. The organization’s first significant act was the first Earth Day celebration that included 20 million people. Since then, Earth Day has grown into a worldwide event.

CEC’s actions didn’t stop there. The organization formed several small community gardens and led to the expansion of what would become the Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden. These gardens featured organic horticulture, solar energy, municipal-scale composting, and bio-gas use.

CEC also fought against the overdevelopment of the Santa Barbara waterfront. For over fifty years, CEC has worked through several programs to address climate change, including:

  • Equity
  • Energy
  • Waste
  • Food
  • Transport
  • Community

Donors can give monthly or one time. Donors can also join CEC’s Livable World Legacy Society and create a planned giving plan to support the organization.

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2. Well Done Foundation

Mission statement: Plugging orphan oil and gas wells, resulting in immediate elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. Fighting climate change, one well at a time.

In 2019, Curtis Shuck visited a Northern Montana oilfield and began to see the environmental impact of “orphan wells” that emitted methane gas and formed the Well Done Foundation. In 2021, the Well Done Foundation began plugging wells in Pennsylvania. Since then, it has been

organized in Ohio, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and California.

Well Done Foundation starts by researching the well’s history, characteristics, location, and ownership/outstanding leases. The nonprofit then raises funds to plug these abandoned wells and eliminate emissions.

Donors can give to purchase carbon offsets or adopt a well. Well Done Foundation also relies on volunteers. Supporters can also share the organization’s story on social media, start their own special event or join on-site teams measuring, monitoring, and plugging wells.

3. Climate Foundation

Mission Statement: Responding to the global climate crisis by creating a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions society.

Climate Foundation was founded in 2007. Today, the organization is located in Woods Hole, MA, Beaverton, OR, and Carson City, NV. The goals of this organization include:

  • Providing enough food for humans and other species before the world becomes overpopulated.
  • Creating a safe place for thousands of species.
  • Finding and deploying carbon balancing systems that mimic mother nature.

The Climate Foundation’s programs on coral bleaching, charvesting and biochar, and the super plant, Azolla, address how people can create a healthier environment.

Donors can give to help vanishing ecosystems thrive and regenerate seaweed forests. Climate Foundation hopes to start working on commercial-scale Marine Permaculture projects by 2024. Thanks to corporate sponsors, all donations to the organization up to $250,000 will be matched.

best climate organizations

4. Clean Air Task Force

Mission statement: Push the technology and policy changes needed to achieve a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost.

Clean Air Task Force (CATF) started in 1996 to force older coal plants to meet similar emission rates as newer ones. Since its start, Clean Air Task Force has focused its strategy on:

  • Enacting direct carbon limits on gas and coal power plants.
  • Developing and deploying technologies that can eliminate carbon emissions.
  • Attacking greenhouse gas and climate-damaging emissions.
  • Ensuring bioenergy use is carbon neutral and carbon negative.

They meet these goals through several programs:

  • Advanced nuclear
  • Bioenergy & land use
  • Carbon capture
  • Power plants
  • Super pollutants
  • Superhot rock geothermal
  • Zero-carbon fuels

Donors of the Clean Air Task Force can make a one-time or monthly gift to support the organization.

5. Cool Earth

Mission statement: To give cash directly to rainforest communities, to fund projects that create choice, tackle the root causes of deforestation and protect viral carbon sinks.

climate change nonprofits

Rainforests remain the most advanced carbon-capturing technology on the planet. Cool Earth works with rainforest communities to strengthen these areas and support the families living there. Below is a list of projects this organization funds:

  1. Cash giving – gives cash directly to rainforest communities to fund projects that create choice and tackle the root causes of deforestation.
  2. People-powered projects – One of the projects included was the addition of 24 handwashing stations in rainforest communities in Papua New Guinea.
  3. Forest monitoring – People living in these communities are most affected by climate change and the most likely to see changes as they occur.
  4. Climate adaptation – People living in the rainforest are forced to adapt to climate change. Earth works with organizations and people on the ground to help them.

Donors can give online or by mail or buy a virtual gift. Supporters can also learn more on their website about the rainforest and climate change.

6. Rainforest Foundation US

Mission statement: Ensuring that these majestic, complex ecosystems remain intact and protected so that they can continue to provide for the plant, animal, and human communities that depend on these well into the future.

In 1988, Sting and Trudie Styler established the Rainforest Foundation to fight for the Kayapo people’s land rights. In 1993, they won legal recognition and protection for the Menkragnoti Territory. Since then, they have worked to duplicate their success in other rainforest communities.

Rainforest Foundation is located in Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each of them has the same mission. They work to address biodiversity loss, climate change, and human rights violations.

Rainforest Foundations US works with partners on the following initiatives:

  1. Territorial monitoring
  2. Land management
  3. Policy & advocacy
  4. Institutional strengthening
  5. Land titling

Donors can give monthly to support the organization’s efforts. Rainforest Foundations US’s website also lists 10 Things You Can Do to make a difference for rainforest communities.

7. Climate Emergency Fund

Mission statement: We provide a safe and legal means for donors to support the people who are waking up the public and building intense pressure on lawmakers.

Climate Emergency Fund provides grants to support the activists educating the public on climate change. The organization was founded in 2019 and has funded 83 organizations, trained 19,810 activists, and engaged over 9 million people.

Notable Grantees include:

  • Extinction Rebellion & Extinction Rebellion UK
  • Save Old Growth
  • Declare Emergency
  • Ultima Generazione (Last Generation)
  • Fireproof Australia
  • Just Stop Oil

Donations to the Climate Emergency Fund are given to highly-vetted impact projects, groups, and individuals.

8. 1000 Gretas

Mission statement: We need a collective effort to put our time, money, and energy behind altering the course of climate change in order to preserve the planet – not only for the next generation but in our lifetime.

Most people know the name, Greta Thunberg. This young woman captured the world’s attention with her month-long strike in front of the Swedish parliament. What could 1,000 Gretas do? 1000 Gretas provides $1,000 to $20,000 grants, entrepreneurial guidance, scientific assistance, and marketing promotions.

Supporters can submit an idea, apply for one of 1000 Gretas grants, become a member, or give to fund programs and receive impact reports on their results.

best charities for climate change

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9. Greenpeace

Mission statement: To ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.

Greenpeace is well-known for climate change activism. This global organization has been around for over 50 years. Greenpeace USA works to change social, environmental, and economic systems to address the climate crisis and advocate for racial justice.

Greenpeace believes organizations must include racial and socioeconomic justice in their fights against climate change. They do this through an Indigenous Peoples Policy and Black Lives Platform.

Greenpeace addresses a wide range of issues, including:

  • Environmental justice
  • Freedom to vote
  • Brazil and the Amazon forest
  • Kick corporate money out of politics
  • Ensuring sustainable seafood
  • Fighting plastic pollution

…and many more.

Donations to Greenpeace help the organization hold corporate polluters accountable worldwide. Supporters can give one-time, monthly donations, a legacy gift, or donor-advised fund.

10. Environmental Defense Fund

Mission statement: To preserve the natural systems on which all life depends.

The Environmental Defense Fund builds partnerships and works with people from all sides to change people’s perspectives and government policy. They approach environmental challenges from the following angles:

  • Science – Environmental Defense Fund scientists work with universities and partners to protect public health and stop government attacks on science.
  • Economics – EDF conducts research and develops solutions for those most affected. They work with investors and entrepreneurs to find economically sustainable solutions.
  • Partnerships – Climate change cannot be fixed by one organization. The Environmental Defense Fund works with farmers, fishers, international partners, and business leaders to make real change.
  • Advocacy – The final step is advocacy. Thanks to its partnerships, EDF has fought against government leaders trying to limit climate activism and has influenced policy at the federal, state, and local levels.

Supporters of the Environmental Defense Fund can sign up for their Summer Match Campaign and triple their monthly gifts.

Final Thoughts

Nonprofit organizations fighting climate change have worked with local communities, advocates, corporate partners, and governments, and their hard work is paying off. These organizations show people how climate change affects them and how they can make real-life differences.

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Kristine Ensor is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience working with local and international nonprofits. As a nonprofit professional she has specialized in fundraising, marketing, event planning, volunteer management, and board development.

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