In 2009, Virgin Money established Money Giving to help charities raise money online. The organization has been a...
Kristine Ensor
Social media has become an essential tool for nonprofits to spread the word about their organization and share...
Raffles are a fun and easy way to raise funds for your nonprofit. These raffles can be part...
During the pandemic, many have gone back to school. But a college education can be costly. Students should...
Company donation can be some of the largest gifts a nonprofit will receive, but how do you get...
Developing a solid email marketing program is absolutely essential to building a reliable, revenue-generating fundraising department. Whether you’re...
Trying to change the world for the better is a difficult task. Nonprofits face various challenges. They battle...
Ilma Ibrisevic
Systematically preparing for your next nonprofit board meeting not only eliminates stress but can actually improve your nonprofit’s...
If you're reading this, chances are that you're preparing for a fundraising campaign or attempting to craft the...
Wagisha Jha
Every year, Americans contribute $193 billion worth of time to community service and volunteering. Community service is an...
Megan Koontz