How To Design A Giving Tuesday Landing Page That Drives Donations

Product marketing for-profit or non-profit is no walk in the park. Building and marketing a campaign that would attract donors might sound simple in theory, but the execution is the most challenging part. As the market trends evolve, it’s becoming more challenging to find the right way to execute a successful non-profit campaign. Many of…

7 minutes read
How To Design A Giving Tuesday Landing Page That Drives Donations

giving tuesday landing page

Product marketing for-profit or non-profit is no walk in the park. Building and marketing a campaign that would attract donors might sound simple in theory, but the execution is the most challenging part.

As the market trends evolve, it’s becoming more challenging to find the right way to execute a successful non-profit campaign. Many of these trends emerged from the global impact of the internet and social media, but you should know that there are other channels for driving donations to your cause.

There are so many things to make sure a non-profit campaign succeeds, but there are also factors that can make or break one, no matter how noble your cause is.

Giving Tuesday is all set to take place on 30th November 2021. So it’s all the more essential right now for you to design a landing page dedicated to it.

In this article, we will give you some tips on how to design a “Giving Tuesday landing page.”

Landing pages in eCommerce drive potential customers to their store. We don’t see how you can’t use them for driving donations for a good cause as well. Plus, eCommerce accounts for 16.1% of all retail transactions worldwide, and it’s growing each year.

8 Tips on How to Design a Giving Tuesday Landing Page

In this section, I’ll share some tips on how you can create an effective landing page that is built towards getting more donations, instead of the usual profit for businesses and organizations.

By following some of these steps, you can make the most out your Giving Tuesday Initiative.

Tip #1 Use your High-Traffic Blog

One of the most effective resources for potential pledges for your cause is to use your existing blog. It might be a profit blog or an eCommerce store, but it is understandable for businesses to give back.

A lot of companies give back to the community as part of their corporate social responsibility, and it usually happens towards the end of the year. Also, a lot of people tend to be more generous during the holidays.

You can temporarily change your site’s landing page during this season to let your regular and new subscribers know about your charitable activities.

You can also start a new non-profit organization related to your blog. This way, you don’t have to change anything from your blog’s landing page by starting and registering a non-profit blog and organization.

If you are looking for inspiration and are searching the web for high-converting landing pages, you will find great landing page examples from real companies, just like Donorbox’s own landing page.

Operation love international

It has everything you want on a donor landing page. It has a photo of the beneficiaries, a short but concise headline, a donor form, and even has a financial map and a goal. It is everything you want in an effective Giving Tuesday landing page with a high chance of driving donations.

If your blog is fairly new, there are ways to boost traffic on your site and potentially earn money and donations. Starting a blog like a business is a great model for non-profit organizations to collect more donations and supporters for their noble cause.

Tip #2 Craft a Headline that Says it All

It is very important to craft a compelling headline that clearly conveys your message without having to spell it out.

It should be clear, concise, and specific. The headline will be the first thing your visitors will notice (aside from images, but you’ll learn more about that later).

What you need to do:

  • Demonstrate urgency by adding words like “today” and “right now.”  (e.g. Join Our Cause Right Now)
  • Sharing a statistic is a great way to get people to join your cause. (e.g. 264 Million Children Don’t Have the Privilege of Attending School, and We Can Change That)
  • Show them how their help can impact your cause (e.g. Being A Part of this Cause Will Send Kids to School One at a Time)
  • Get people engaged and intrigued by making an appealing headline. (e.g. The Kids in Haiti Need Our Help)

Aside from writing a  compelling headline, you should also focus on how you deliver the line. A perfectly crafted headline would have more impact if you use a legible font next to a related image.

Here is an example of a headline that appeals to people.

Giving Tuesday Landing Page Tips

Tip #3 Give a Clear Reason for Donating

Getting people to notice your donation page is one thing, but you also need to figure out how to convince them to donate without actually forcing them.

When raising funds for a noble cause, it is important to know that people should be giving from the heart, and not just because someone forced them or tricked them.

After crafting your compelling headline, the next thing you need to work on is your next paragraph. This should answer all the questions people are asking. This section is where you introduce your cause. You can also use this to share stories that will move people, giving them a reason to understand the cause before donating.

What you need to do:

  • Write a short paragraph that will introduce the cause.
  • Include background information and context.
  • Let them know what happens if they make a donation and how it can impact the cause.

What drives people to donate is knowing how a donation can be an impact on a specific cause. You can add information, but make sure that it is clearly stated without any flowery words.

This example from the American Forests Organization is a perfect example of a supporting body that is aligned with their brand strategy. It is short and concise and provides more answers than questions. It explains a little bit of background and explains how a small donation can have a big impact.

Giving Tuesday Tips with American Forest Landing Page

Tip #4 Create User-Friendly Donation Forms

Some people hesitate to donate online because of the long forms they need to fill out. The donation forms you use should be short and limited to just a name, email address, and an option to donate anonymously.

You can also offer different donation amount options. Not everyone who wants to help can afford $50 donations, so you can add custom donation options, and add lines like, “any amount is a big help.” With more options, it increases the chance of getting more pledges.

This donation form template from Give is a great example of a user-friendly donation form with the option to donate any amount in a few clicks.

Example of user-friendly donate form for giving Tuesday

Tip #5 Optimize the Page for Mobile

Most people browse the internet on their phones, and some forms or websites are not smartphone-friendly. Without optimizing a website for mobile, it can drive away potential visitors and donors who prefer to use their smartphones.

Some forms are also hard to fill out using a phone, which is why you should be thorough when creating forms and blog articles that are both designed for desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

There are a lot of landing page builders that give you the option to preview how a website would look like on mobile, so you don’t need to manually check using your own phone.

These page builders also allow you to add elements such as donation buttons for quick and easy payment options, that would make it easier for people to donate using credit cards and other payment platforms.

They are also integrated with Donorbox, a free-to-use donation button that is simple to use.

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Tip #6 Incorporate Content

Make sure your landing page is not all text. Sometimes images speak louder than words, so make sure you make your landing page extra engaging by incorporating content and visuals.

It gets attention, it drives engagement, it educates people about your cause, and more importantly, it will drive more donations.

What you need to do:

  • Use images of real people and animals that you aim to help, and will benefit from each donation. Additional share video testimonials from those you have impacted to personalize your message.
  • Create educational videos explaining your cause with narration that would pluck at people’s heartstrings.
  • Create roadmaps and illustrations that will clearly outline how donations help.

When creating content, make sure you go down a road where you appeal to people’s emotions. This method will trigger and make them more eager to help. Refer to the Giving Tuesday toolkit to find resources for generating great content.

This example from the American Humane Foundation is a complete online pamphlet that is very educational. It uses elements such as statistics, reports, and educational elements that can get potential donors engaged.

Landing page with impactful content

Tip #7 Introduce the Beneficiaries

Curious people want to know more about the organizations that will receive their donations, so it is a good idea to supply them with more information about the actual beneficiaries.

Make sure that your website is transparent with donors to get them to trust your cause. A great way to establish trust is sharing real-life stories of the actual people or animals who will benefit from the cause.

Here is an example from ChildFund International. They are introducing the actual people that donors can help if they choose to donate.

Giving Tuesday donation page with beneficiaries image

Tip #8 Share Financial Data

Finally, make sure you’re transparent with your financial data. You want to assure donors that their donations do go to the people in need. It is normal for people to be a little skeptical when making donations, especially to lesser-known non-profit organizations.

If it is your first time creating a “Giving Tuesday landing page,” it is a good idea to share audits and annual reports that are easy to find on your website.

What you should do:

  • Make financial reports and statements in downloadable PDF formats.
  • Be very transparent with the funds.
  • Create goals, and show the people your progress into reaching those goals.


Nonprofit pro tips for Giving Tuesday 2021

Now that you’re all set to design your Giving Tuesday landing page, Donorbox has some essential and useful tips for you to make the most of this day in 2021. The below video will explain to you the Giving Tuesday process (great, if you are a visual learner) as well as offer some pro tips.


The primary takeaway for creating an effective “Giving Tuesday landing page” is to find your niche, and choose the right strategy to let your demographic be aware of your cause.

Just like any other business, a non-profit organization with a cause needs supporters to successfully launch a campaign or fundraiser. The internet will provide you with the channel to network and connect with potential donors, while the landing page will deliver your message. So take advantage of it.

Before you start creating your landing page, there is one more tip you need to know and that is to be true to your cause. As long as you believe in your cause, more people will follow.

About the Author

Hanson Cheng is the founder of Freedom to Ascend. He empowers online entrepreneurs and business owners to 10x their businesses and become financially independent.

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