How are Donorbox form fields mapped to your Salesforce account?

Donorbox provides extensive integration with Salesforce CRM. In order to fully utilize the features of this integration, it is important to understand how your Donorbox form fields are mapped to your Salesforce account when you enable this integration. We briefly touched upon this data mapping in our Salesforce integration guide. In this Data Mapping guide,…

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How are Donorbox form fields mapped to your Salesforce account?

Salesforce Data Mapping Guide

Donorbox provides extensive integration with Salesforce CRM. In order to fully utilize the features of this integration, it is important to understand how your Donorbox form fields are mapped to your Salesforce account when you enable this integration. We briefly touched upon this data mapping in our Salesforce integration guide.

In this Data Mapping guide, we cover all aspects of Donorbox-to-Salesforce field mapping. We designed our Salesforce integration to handle auto-mapping of the essential fields and give you the ability to configure your custom and optional fields “as per your needs”.

With that in mind, our field mapping can be divided into 3 sections:

  1. Standard system mapped fields
  2. Standard fields that are optional and have to be configured by the user
  3. Custom (campaign specific) fields which can be configured by the user

Standard System Mapped Fields

One thing before we begin with the field mapping—Donorbox pushes a new campaign to Salesforce only when a donation arrives. So if you have created a campaign on Donorbox and are wondering why it’s not showing up in your Salesforce account just yet, that’s the reason.

Donorbox uses these 4 Salesforce objects in our integration:

  • Campaigns
  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Opportunity

This guide will use the following campaign to help you understand our field mappings:

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Salesforce Data Mapping Guide

When the first donation to this campaign is made, Donorbox pushes the data to the connected Salesforce account.

We first check if that particular campaign is present in Salesforce. If it’s not present, a new campaign is created in Salesforce and the donation is pushed after that.

If the campaign is found, we still check whether any fields of the campaign have been updated. In the case they have, we first update the corresponding Salesforce campaign before pushing the donation.


We use the following fields in the Salesforce campaign object:

  • Campaign Name
  • Type
  • Status
  • Active
  • Campaign Currency
  • Start Date

Note: The above fields are the ones that are visible to you on your campaign details page on Salesforce. In the backdrop, we also use other standard Salesforce fields like ID.

These fields are essential for maintaining the identity and synchronization between Salesforce and Donorbox. When the campaign is pushed to Salesforce, the above fields are populated based on the values that are present in your Donorbox campaign.

Salesforce Data Mapping Guide

The Campaign Currency field in Salesforce is a managed picklist. It contains the Currency ISO codes for the currencies that you have enabled for your organization. By default, every Salesforce Org has one currency.

If your Donorbox campaign uses the same currency, there is no need for multiple currencies in Salesforce. If this is not the case, then you would need to enable multiple currencies in your org. Here is an article to help you set it up in your Salesforce.


In Salesforce NPSP, there are 2 standard record types: “Organization” and “Household Account”.

When a new account is created in Salesforce for a contact through the Donorbox sync, the “Household Account” record type is selected. Most of the account management in Salesforce is done based on the contact information.

To learn more about how we manage accounts and contacts and avoid duplicates, check out our integration blog post.


All the contact information collected from your Donorbox campaign form is used to create a new contact and the corresponding account for that donor. We also check if a donor already exists in Salesforce with the provided contact information—if so, we use that instead.

Donorbox uses the following Salesforce contact fields:

  • Name
  • Account Name
  • Preferred Email
  • Email
  • Preferred Phone
  • Phone
  • Mailing Address

When a new donation arrives, this is what a Donorbox-created contact looks like in Salesforce:

Salesforce Data Mapping Guide for nonprofits

Nonprofit Salesforce Data Mapping Guide

Salesforce Data Mapping Guide


Donorbox donations go into the Opportunity object in Salesforce.

An Opportunity record is created at the end when the campaign, account, and contact records needed for this opportunity record have all been created or have been identified.

Our default donation push uses the following Salesforce opportunity record fields:

  • Opportunity Name
  • Account Name
  • Primary Contact
  • Primary Campaign Source
  • Amount
  • Close Date
  • Stage
  • Description

From all of the above fields, the Stage field can be configured in Donorbox from the Salesforce Data Mapping page. By default, the value for the stage field is “Closed Won”. Using all this information from the Donorbox form, this Opportunity is created inside Salesforce:

Salesforce Data Mapping Guide

Standard fields that are optional and have to be configured by the user

The following table explains what value is contained in each of the fields that you see on the Salesforce Data Mapping page in Donorbox. All of these fields can be mapped to any of the standard and custom fields that are present in the Account, Contact, and Opportunity objects in your Salesforce org.

Donation FieldSignifies
Donation IDReceipt Number of this donation. It can also be found on the donation details page on Donorbox
EmployerThe employer of the person who is making the donation.
Note: This is different from the field "Donating Company"
OccupationOccupation of the person who is working with the Employer
DesignationDefines where should this donation go toward. You can define these in the campaign builder
Anonymous DonorThis is a checkbox field and has to be mapped to the same data type in Salesforce
Is Recurring DonationThis is also a checkbox field and can only be mapped to a checkbox field in Salesforce
Recurring IntervalIf the donation is a recurring donation then this will contain the recurring interval duration i.e. weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually
Recurring Start DateIf the donation being exported is part of a recurring plan, this field will contain the recurring plan's start date
Is First Recurring DonationIf the donation is the first donation of a recurring plan, then this field will be yes. If the donation is a subsequent donation of a recurring plan, then it will be no. If the donation is a one-time donation, this field will be set to Not Applicable
Net Donation AmountThe net amount that you will receive after deducting the processing fees of the payment method that was selected for this donation
Thank You CommentThe thank you note that the donor writes in the comment field on the donation form
Stripe Charge IDThe unique Stripe ID that was generated for the transaction carried out to service this donation
Join Mailing ListThis is a checkbox field that records the donor's preference for subscribing to the mailing list
Donation TypeThe payment method used for processing the donation. The donation type can be Stripe, ach, paypal, sepa, ideal or paypal_express. For manually added donations, the donation type can be check, cash, credit_card, external_bank_transfer, apple_pay, google_pay or cryptocurrency
Donation DateThe date on which the donation was made
PhoneThe contact number that was added on the donation form
Donating CompanyIf the "This donation is on behalf of a company" checkbox is selected. This includes the name of the donating company
Donor TypeIf the donating company is present then it says "company" otherwise it outputs "individual"
Is Donor CompanyIf donor is a company then this boolean field is true otherwise it is false
Is Donor IndividualIf donor is an individual then this boolean field is true otherwise it is false.
Note: This field is similar to the "Is Donor Company" field. It is advisable to use one of these two fields based on how you would like to map it to Salesforce
Dedication TypeThis field is populated when the donor checks the dedicate my donation checkbox. This field can have two values: "In honor of" and "In memory of"
Honoree NameThe name of the person in whose honor/memory the donation was made
Recipient NameThe name of the person to be notified for this dedicated donation
Recipient EmailEmail address of the recipient. This field is available if the "Notify this person by email" option is selected
Recipient AddressMailing address of the recipient. This field is available if the "Notify this person by postal mail" option is selected
Recipient MessageThis is an optional message field which is used to notify the recipient
StageThe Opportunity stage with which the donation is pushed to your Salesforce org

The details for the UTM parameter fields that you see on your Salesforce Data Mapping page in Donorbox can be found here.

We also ensure that the fields that you see in the dropdowns on the mapping page are up-to-date. So whenever you add a new field in any of these 3 objects in your Salesforce org, we update our dropdowns accordingly too.

Custom (Campaign-specific) fields which can be configured by the user

Donorbox has a powerful form builder that allows you to add custom questions to your campaign form. Along with the standard fields, Donorbox gives you the capability to map these additional questions to your Salesforce fields.

The details of how you can map these campaign-specific additional questions to Salesforce can be found in our integration blog post. In the case, the actual data mapping experience is similar to what we saw previously for standard field mapping.

If you still have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

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