How to Enable Company Donation Matching | Increase your Donations.

We are very excited to bring you a highly effective integration to help you get matching donations! A number of companies have philanthropy programs to encourage a giving culture within the organizations and help employees donate and volunteer more effectively. Double the Donation says that 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer gift matching to their…

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How to Enable Company Donation Matching | Increase your Donations.

company donation matching

We are very excited to bring you a highly effective integration to help you get matching donations!

A number of companies have philanthropy programs to encourage a giving culture within the organizations and help employees donate and volunteer more effectively. Double the Donation says that 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer gift matching to their employees. Oftentimes, the match ratio can be 2:1, even 3:1.

Donorbox has partnered with Double the Donation, the leading corporate giving data company, to give your donors the best employer matching-gift experience. By encouraging and simplifying the corporate matching gift process for donors, this integration will help you grow your revenue.

How Company Donation Matching Works on Donorbox

A donation match doesn’t have to be complicated. We know what you might be thinking – that it’s a long and tedious process! But no, with Donorbox, it’s a breeze! For you and your donors. Your nonprofit can double, even triple donations in just a few simple steps!

We’ve written down the process to enable this feature later on in this blog. For now, let’s see how it works!

Step 1 – Donor searches for their company

When the donor selects the amount they want to donate, there’s a company matching widget on the Donorbox donation form that lets them check if their company offers gift matching. Once they have found their company, they can select it and complete the donation. Soon, Donorbox will give your donor a link to the donation matching page for their employer. This page will be branded with your nonprofit’s logo, tax ID, and your contact information. It will also have some FAQs to help make the corporate matching process for your donor as easy as possible.

As you can see, there’s no hassle from your end and your donor will have every detail they need to complete the process.

Alternatively, Donorbox also offers a company matching gift widget that you can easily embed on your website. This way, it will be your choice whether you want it on your donation form or somewhere else. More customization, better your donors’ donation experience!

employer matching donations

Step 2 – Donor gets a link to the employer matching gift page

After the donation, we give the donor a link to a matching gift programs page with her company’s matching donation procedures. This page is branded with your logo and has your tax ID and contact information. It also has answers to the most frequently asked questions that donors have about corporate matching.

example of donation matching program

Step 3 – You and the donor receive acknowledgment emails

Additionally, we will send two emails.

1. An email to the Donorbox admin to notify you of the donor who selected a company to match her donation. You might use this information to help guide your donor to finish the matching gift programs application.

2. An email to the donor with a link to the corporate matching gift programs page above. With this email, she has a saved record of her company’s matching gift procedure in her inbox.

The Company Search Page

If the donor did not find her company, we will also send her an email with a link to the company search page. This is helpful if the donor wants to look up their company’s matching gift programs later.

matching donation forms

You can find the URL to your company search page under your company matching settings. Feel free to link to this matching page anywhere on your organization’s website!

matching donation program forms

The Embeddable Company Search Widget

If you want to avoid adding the matching gift widget to your donation form, here’s a great alternative! Donorbox lets you embed a search widget on your website anywhere with a copy-paste code. Again, no coding knowledge is required!

Remember to draw the donor’s attention to the widget with suitable content above it. You can also market this option through emails and on social media. Make it easier to find on the website and your job here will be done!

Company Search Widget for donation matching

The embed code can also be found in your company matching settings. Just copy and paste the code into your web page’s HTML.

Embeddable Company Search Widget

See How it Works Now – Try The Demo

To test how the corporate matching gift feature works, please click on the donate button below and test out the donation flow.


You can use the following card information to test the donation.

Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration date: Any date in the future, e.g. 11/22
CVC code: 123

How to Enable the Matching Gift Feature on Donorbox

Nonprofit organizations can highly benefit from the matching gift feature. With 26 million people working for companies that match donations, it is a given that you must incorporate the matching gift feature in your fundraising efforts. Even with fewer people coming forward to make donations, with this feature, you can easily meet your fundraising goals.

This integration only costs $40/month on Donorbox. This is a small investment that will be paid back with likely just one matching donation.

3 simple steps to enable company matching on Donorbox

Corporate matching programs are a boon for nonprofits. Let the below 3 steps help you get started in only a couple of minutes –

1. Fill out the nonprofit information form in Donorbox. This will display your nonprofit’s tax ID, address, and contact information on the donation matching gift page. Your donor will use your information to fill out her matching application.

2. If you haven’t already, please add a billing credit card on your organization’s billing page.

3. Finally, click “Enable company matching” on the company matching settings page.

Donorbox also has a super quick video on its integration with Double the Donation. This is especially helpful if you’re a great visual learner and would like to quickly learn about corporate matching gift programs as well as how to enable it on Donorbox in 3 easy steps. Here you go –

We encourage you to give this integration a try as we are confident that your donors’ companies will match and increase the impact of their donations.

Over to You – Enable This Feature and Double Your Donations!

A corporate matching gift program is the best and the easiest way for your nonprofit to multiply its donations. As you have seen, the procedure is simple and requires no hassle or coding knowledge from your end. Embed the widget on your website or simply use the Donorbox donation form. Whatever the way you choose, it is guaranteed that your donations will be multiplied through the culture of corporate philanthropy.

If you want to learn about the latest corporate giving statistics, here’s a Donorbox blog that will clear all your doubts.

Learn more about Donorbox. It is a simple-to-use and affordable online fundraising solution for nonprofits of all types and sizes. Our powerful features like Crowdfunding, Peer-to-Peer fundraising, Text-to-Give, Events, Memberships, Recurring Donations, and more will ensure that you realize the maximum donation potential.

Do you think your nonprofit can scale its fundraising efforts with expert coaching and priority tech support? Donorbox Premium is here to help with everything you need on the way to fundraising success.

Read insightful tips and resources on the Donorbox Nonprofit Blog. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a curated list of our best articles every month in your inbox.

Wagisha Jha is the content overseer and writer at Donorbox. She is a marketer specializing in early to mid-stage startup growth. In her free time, she can be found writing, caring for animals, or indulging in fine arts. Say hello to her on Linkedin or Instagram.

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