How to Embed Recurring Donation Forms in Weebly

We’ve partnered up with Weebly, a premiere website builder, to make it easier for you to embed donation forms onto your website or blog. Embedding donation forms directly onto your site will make it easier for donors to give donations and easier for you to receive donations. Further, you will offer a fast and secure…

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How to Embed Recurring Donation Forms in Weebly

donations in weebly

We’ve partnered up with Weebly, a premiere website builder, to make it easier for you to embed donation forms onto your website or blog.

Embedding donation forms directly onto your site will make it easier for donors to give donations and easier for you to receive donations. Further, you will offer a fast and secure donation experience to your donors, one which will make your donors donate more often.

Donorbox’s fast and optimized donation form can be easily embedded on your website in 6 simple steps.

In this post, we will guide you through each step so you can set up Donorbox’s donation form on your Weebly website and start getting recurring donations right away!

So let’s start…

Weebly Donation Form Video Tutorial

If you prefer a video tutorial or are having a hard time embedding the Weebly donation form, here you go.

How to Embed a Donorbox Donation Form into a Weebly site

Step 1

Go to your Campaigns page and find the campaign you wish to embed on your site. Click the ‘<>Embed Codes’ button.

weebly donation form

Note: If you don’t have a Donorbox account, please create a Donorbox account for free. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a donation form.

Step 2

You can edit some of the default settings in your form here, like setting a default donation amount or recurring option. As you change the settings, you will see the code automatically adjust itself.

When you’re happy with the settings, select and copy the embed code. This code will be pasted in your Weebly site later on.

weebly donation form

Step 3

Go to your Weebly site editor and select the page that you want to embed the donation form on. Drag and drop the “Embed Code” button to wherever you’d like the donation form to be on the page.

Click this walkthrough if you’d like to see how this would look.

Step 4

Click on the embed box you just dropped. Select the Edit Custom HTML button.

Paste your Donorbox embed code into the box. Click anywhere outside the box and your Donorbox will be visible on your web page.

You can check out this walkthrough to see how it’s done.

That’s all that is needed. Once your website is published, your Donorbox form will ready to accept donations.

Get Started With Donorbox

How to Enable SSL on your Weebly site

Weebly now supports SSL on all its sites. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to turning on SSL on your Weebly site.

Start Collecting Recurring Donations

In order to increase your fundraising significantly, you must utilize recurring giving. Donorbox lets you set up recurring donations very easily. With a few clicks in your dashboard, your donor can select a recurring plan to donate weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual, boosting your regular fundraising, so you can focus on your nonprofit mission.

weebly donation form

Installing Donate Button

You also have the option to install a donate button instead. This button will show on your web page. When a donor clicks it, your Donorbox donation form will deploy. You can check out this helpful guide for more info on that.

This guide will help you through the entire process of embedding donation forms on a Weebly site.

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Raviraj heads the sales and marketing team at Donorbox. His growth-hacking abilities have helped Donorbox boost fundraising efforts for thousands of nonprofit organizations.

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